The tree is native to the sub-continent including Pakistan. It has been successfully planted in many areas of the world. In Pakistan it is found in the plains and lower hills of the Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Azad Kashmir.

The heartwood is not distinct from sapwood. The wood is Pale reddish-grey, dull to somewhat lustrous, without characteristic odour or taste. It is moderately hard, tough and resilient, interlocked and moderately fine textured.

The growth rings are wanting or scarcely distinct, 6-8 per inche. The wood is semi-ring porous. The vessels are small to medium sized or large, occasionally plugged with tyloses, majority of vessels are solitary or in radial row of 2-3 cells, 7-12/mm2 in number, 60-250µ in Diameter. The parenchyma frequently appearing white puncate with hand lens, and found in paratracheal, paratracheal-zonate and metatracheal form. The paratracheal parenchyma relatively sparse. The paratracheal-zonate parenchyma forms more or less continuous, somewhat wavy concentric bands. The metatracheal parenchyma is fairly abundant restricted to the concentric bands of fibrous tissue. The wood rays are not visible with naked eye, medium-fine to fine, 9-14/ mm in cross section and 4-8/mm2 in tangential section, 70-745µ(3-25 cells) in height with 15-20µ(1-6) in width. The fibers are semi-libriform, non-gelatinous and rarely septate; 0.9-2.23 mm long, 35-43 µ in diameter with walls 4-8µ thick.

Cross view of Jaman wood Tangential view of Jaman wood Wood Fibers of Jaman

The wood of Jaman can be used in making of furniture articles, in construction as post, beam, door frame, and rafter. It is suitable wood for paper pulp products. The is used as a fuel also.

1. Pearson, R.S and H.P. Brown.1932. Commercial Timbers of India.pp.560-563.
2. Sheikh, M.I.1993. Trees of Pakistan. Pakistan Forest Institute, Peshawar.pp-96